Welcome to the world of Mongolian yurts, where the timeless charm of yurts meets modern comfort and requirements. As enthusiasts of these unique structures, we understand that potential customers often have concerns about their ability to withstand adverse weather conditions. In this yurt resource, we’ll explore the question: Can yurts withstand strong winds, and are yurts safe in storms?
Before addressing the concerns related to wind and storms, let’s take a moment to appreciate the robust design of Mongolian yurts. Traditional yurts consist of a wooden lattice frame, wool felt insulation, and a durable outer canvas layer. This design has been refined over centuries to provide stability and resilience in various climates, including the windy steppes of Mongolia.
Yes, Mongolian yurts are built to withstand strong winds. The circular shape of the yurt, combined with its aerodynamic design, allows wind to flow smoothly around the structure. The wooden lattice frame provides a strong and flexible skeleton, distributing wind pressure evenly and preventing the yurt from becoming vulnerable to gusts. In Mongolia, they are normally not anchored to the ground as Mongolians do not want to harm the earth.
If you’re in an area that experiences particularly high winds, Groovy Yurts offers wind kits, see below for more information about this option.
Mongolian yurts have proven to be remarkably resilient in storms, showcasing their adaptability to various weather challenges. However, it’s essential to consider factors such as proper installation and maintenance to ensure optimal safety.
During stormy weather, it’s crucial to secure the yurt’s anchoring system properly. Adequate anchoring not only enhances stability but also ensures the safety of the occupants. Upon set-up, Groovy Yurts gives guidance on the correct installation of yurts, including anchoring methods tailored to specific locations and weather conditions.
If you’ve already been affected by extreme weather or hurricane conditions, check out our framework for assessing damage, and determining solutions. Additionally, the Groovy Yurts team is always happy to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Moreover, regular maintenance checks are recommended to identify and address any wear and tear promptly. This proactive approach helps maintain the yurt’s structural integrity and ensures its continued ability to withstand storms. Make sure to check out our seasonal maintenance checklists:
Although yurts are aerodynamic, there are times when extra precautions are necessary, including anchoring the inside rope and urgh. For strong and violent winds, tie the rope hanging from the toono (the fertility rope) to a heavy object or directly to your platform. The wind creates a dynamic effect that tends to ‘suck’ the yurt in vertically. Applying downward pressure to the toono helps disperse tension into the lower wood structure, therefore strengthening the sum of parts. This is the oldest and most effective anchoring method.
How To Set Up a Wind Kit:
In conclusion, Mongolian yurts from Groovy Yurts are not only aesthetically pleasing and eco-friendly but also resilient in the face of strong winds and storms. The traditional design and modern enhancements make these yurts a reliable choice for those seeking a unique and durable shelter solution. Feel confident in your decision to embrace the charm of yurt living, knowing that Groovy Yurts has your safety and comfort in mind.
If you’re looking to buy a yurt, we have Mongolian yurts for sale in the USA and Canada. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for a quote!